
E-commerce Direct

E-commerce Direct is a bespoke e-commerce agency located in the heart of London within easy access to Southampton docks. We provide a variety of support services for Amazon, eBay and Shopify sellers.
Although we are not nearly as large as Amazon... or even close for that matter... our team is well experienced in helping clients save on costs and substantially increase sales.
Phone UK +44 (0) 208 004 7769
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Google Selling

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Google Analytics 4’s flexibility offers many different kinds of data Google Analytics 4 will soon replace Google’s Universal Analytics which was built for a generation of online measurement, specifically the desktop web.  Google Analytics 4 operates across platforms and doesn’t solely rely on cookies and user event-based data to deliver user-centric measurement. Google Analytics 4 is designed with privacy at its core, providing a better experience for both Google customers and their users.  Google Analytics 4 will

GDN can be ideal for B2B and small niches by providing instant advertising opportunities on over 2 million websites. Unlike Google’s traditional search network where access is only on Google sites and ads are triggered by users actively looking for information or products, Google’s Display Network ads are displayed even though the user may not be searching for your information, services or products.  They may be simply browsing websites that interest them. Google’s Display Network (GDN) is

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